Sangkring Art | group exhibition “Eyes To Think” @ SAS
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group exhibition “Eyes To Think” @ SAS


Group Exhibition

Emest Chan, Ina Conradi Chavez, Lau Eng Seng, Leroy Sofyan, Mark Joyce, Muang Nyan Soe, Raymond Yap, Terry Wee, Yong Kah Kin, Zulkhairi zulkiflee.

“Eyes To Think”

Opening : Friday, September 12th 2014  7.30 Pm

Guest of  Honour :

Mr. Suwarno Wisetrotomo


Lau Eng Seng and Raymond Yap
Exhibition will be until : September 27th 2014


Frequently, the relationship between arts and sight has been extremely bonded together; our eyes have been a crucial tool for us to see and to communicate with one another. Yet, have we taken our eyes for granted? That we use it to see, rather than to observe?

How often have we caught ourselves skimming through the webpages or just glancing through subjects without much thoughts going through our mind? Is that becoming a habit to us, subconsciously, that we tend to stop asking ourselves questions when we are looking around? Or have we lost our curiosity as a child? Have we failed to distinguish the stark difference between seeing and observing?

“Eyes To Think’’ exhibition will entice the participating artists to question their ways of seeing and will be presenting their output or conclusion in the period of this exhibition.

As the American educator, Bill Cosby, once said, ”Every closed eye is not sleeping, and every open eye is not seeing.”

The main objective of this exhibition is to question our ways of seeing, our sense of sight and to have a conclusion or understanding at the very least, through their perceptions that is to be presented through the artworks.

The other objective is to hope that throughout this exhibition, it will spur a new perspective (wisdom) within the participating artists whom have already demonstrated their creativity in their current practice, and for the audience to observe different approaches in arts at an emotional and intellectual level.

Last but not least, the objective of this project is to promote a friendly relationship between Singapore and Indonesia, establishing a greater understanding between the two cultures and exchanging of ideas in visual arts as well.


Lau Eng Seng

Independent Artist & Curator

Lau Eng Seng is a Singapore-born artist, graduated with Diploma in Fine Art from the Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts in 2012. Much of his work concentrates on the current period with research interests in sociology and anthropology. His art practice is driven by research-based methodology and presented through various languages of art. Lau has been exhibiting actively in Singapore & overseas.

Lau took up the interest of curating under the guidance and mentorship from Royal Academy graduate (2001), Raymond Yap, who is now a lecturer in the Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts and also the co-curator of “Eyes To Think”

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